Friday, October 8, 2010

Brownies, Butterscotch and a Bonk on the Head

My sonny-in-law deserves a treat for more than one reason.  This weekend I'm making these two treats to mail to him:

I told him he deserved a treat and after begging and nagging him to tell me what he wanted, he said Symphony Brownies or Butterscotch Cookies.  Because I'm trying my very best to be the world's most wonderful mother-in-law, I'm making him both!

If you're wondering why this poor boy deserves a treat, I'll tell you why.  For months, and I do mean months, he has been studying to take the LSAT.  (In case you don't know, that's the test you take to get into law school.  It's a big, ugly beast of a test, not for the faint of heart!)  This sonny-in-law of mine has studied until his eyes are buggy and then studied some more to prepare for this beastly test, which happens to take place tomorrow.

Then, in a series of unfortunate events, my sonny-in-law got a big bonk on the head on Wednesday night, which left him with a concussion.  Now, I've never taken the LSAT, but I'm guessing that having a concussion probably isn't very helpful!  Immediately following the bonk, his memory was greatly impaired.  Have you seen Fifty First Dates?  My sonny-in-law was doing a perfect impression of Ten Second Tom!  The drive to the hospital went something like this:

Sonny-in-law to married daughter:  "What happened to me?"

Married daughter to sonny-in-law:  "You hit your head during your soccer game."

SIL to MD:  "Oh, did we win?"

MD:  "Yes."

SIL:  "What happened to the other guy?"

MD:  "Nothing, he's fine."

Ten seconds later:

Sonny-in-law to married daughter:  "What happened to me?'

Married daughter to sonny-in-law:  "You hit your head during your soccer game."

SIL to MD:  "Oh, did we win?"

MD:  "Yes."

SIL:  "What happened to the other guy?"

MD:  "Nothing, he's fine."

Ten seconds later:

Sonny-in-law to married daughter:  "What happened to me?"

Married daughter to sonny-in-law:  "You hit your head during your soccer game."

SIL to MD:  "Oh, did we win?"

MD:  "Yes."

SIL:  "What happened to the other guy?"

MD:  "Nothing, he's fine."

I think you get the picture.  This went on for quite a while.  Being the kind, compassionate person that I am, all I wanted to know was if he still remembered his favorite mother-in-law.  He did.  What else really matters?

Because my sonny-in-law is a true stud, he has decided to go ahead and take the test tomorrow, concussion and all.  Now I don't know about you, but I think that kind of bravery is deserving of two treats!  And that's just what he's going to get!

Here are the two silly goof-balls in the emergency room!  I love that they are smiling in the midst of their troubles!

Good luck tomorrow, sonny-in-law!  We're all cheering for ya!


  1. Just an update: HE DID IT! He finished the test, concussion and all! How proud are we? VERY!

  2. Hey like I said before, I love your blog. I just wish I could cook. I don't have my usual pans and the ingredients are not to be found here. Oh I noticed you have people from Europe following your blog. I was just wondering if in looking at my blog they see you are a blog I visit? or do you know how they got wind of it. I hope the first is true. You surely deserve a brownie button, no pun intended.
    Tell your sonny in law that my sonny in law took the LSAT last year and got into Chapman a wonderful law school with a full Scholarship, they even pay for living expenses. We are so proud of him. Give our best to your son in law. Sister Walters
    Love you all in Vista, Sister Walters
